Rita Keys, former chair of The Friends of McConnell Springs who passed away in June 2012, was a tireless supporter of McConnell Springs and the educational programs the park provides for school groups. Thanks to the generous donations of Rita Keys’ friends and family in 2012, The Friends of McConnell Springs created an education grant in her honor….Rita’s Ride to McConnell Springs. Since then others have contributed to the transportation grant to help keep Rita’s memory alive.
Rita’s Ride to the Springs Transportation Grant is a great opportunity for a school to receive reimbursement for the cost of buses when planning a field trip to McConnell Springs. This grant is open to all schools in Kentucky and the grant application is accepted year around. The program is funded by The Friends of McConnell Springs and each application is voted on by the Board of Directors. Since this program has been introduced, thousands of students have had the opportunity to visit McConnell Springs and experience a high quality field trip without the school having to worry about the burden of paying for the transportation.
A BIG THANK YOU goes out the to Kiwanis Club for helping make Rita’s Ride possible.
Need to apply for a grant for bus transportation? Fill out the form below.
Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.
You may also follow up with Jennifer Meunier at (859)225-4073.